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Monkeypox FAQs

Jennifer DeLaney, MD

What is Monkeypox? Monkeypox is a virus that is similar to smallpox. People present with body aches, chills and later develop a blistering rash that can be very painful, like shingles. Monkeypox is a systemic infection, not just a skin condition. It can travel throughout the body by the blood stream affecting multiple organ systems and can cause painful sores in the mouth and anus leading to difficulty eating or moving your bowels.

How is Monkeypox Spread? Monkeypox is spread in a variety of ways: from skin-to-skin contact, from sexual contact, shared food, contaminated air and contaminated surfaces.

Do I need to be worried? Currently monkeypox is not widespread in our community. The best way to avoid this is to avoid close contact with people who have fever, body aches, or rashes that are unexplained. Wearing a mask in public spaces and hand washing will reduce your risk even further.

Is there a vaccine? There is a vaccine for monkeypox, but supplies are extremely limited and are only being given to certain high-risk groups at this point. There are only 1900 doses for all of the metropolitan region and these are only being distributed by the county health department. We will let you know when this becomes more widely available.

Prior small pox vaccination may provide some slight protection, but it is unlikely to be sufficient protection as boosters are needed but haven’t been given in the U.S. in the last 50 years.

Is there a treatment? Typically, treatment is supportive, like pain control and dressing open sores. There are therapies for people who become severely affected with this virus.

What do I do if I think I have been exposed? If you suspect you have monkeypox, please call the office. We do have the ability to test you, but for the safety of our other patients and staff, you will need to be seen outdoors.

Here's another resource with information on the Monkeypox outbreak that you can download to read: Update on the Monkeypox Outbreak


Novavax COVID Vaccine

The Novavax COVID Vaccine is now available. This is a more traditionally made vaccine and would be a good option for anyone who has been hesitant to receive the mRNA vaccines. The Novavax vaccine has been approved as a primary series consisting of two doses 3-8 weeks apart. This has not been approved as a booster for anyone who has already received a primary series. For more information on this vaccine, please click here.


COVID Quarantine and Isolation Update

The CDC recently updated their quarantine and isolation requirements. For more information please click here. An important note: if you are positive for COVID you should be isolating at home according to these CDC's guidelines. If you need to leave your house for an important reason, you must wear a well-fitting N95 mask.


Texting the Office May Cause Delay

Recently, we have had a few patients texting our main office number, 314-993-1200, possibly unintentionally. Please be aware that this may result in a delay in our response to your message, and therefore, is not an ideal way to communicate with our office. These texts do not go straight to a phone or to your doctor so are not received right away. Texting is also a less secure method of communication. The best ways to reach us are by calling or emailing. Thank you!


New Insurance, Address or Email?

Please let us know by email or at your next point of care if your insurance, address, email, or any other demographics such as emergency contact have changed. It's important to keep your chart up to date as we utilize this information for office tasks such as placing outside orders/labs and making referrals. Thank you!


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